Simple Shutdown Timer Portable Version
Free Download Simple Shutdown Timer
(Direct Download)
(Portable Version (Zip, No Setup)). Program is pretty self explanatory. Put in the time
Program is pretty self explanatory. Put in the time and click start. When the time reaches 0 the computer will shut down and power off (if able to power off).
The program supports 2 command lines
Example 1:
Simple Shutdown Timer. exe /sleep now
This will put the system into standby mode, no count down, no icons.
Example 2:
Simple Shutdown Timer. exe
This tells the program to set the time for 2 hours and 30 mins. and 0 sec. and to start the countdown.
This option allows you to run the program from a script without user input.
Who would need this program?
Well I made this program for myself and have used it for the last couple of years.
Basically when I am waiting for my computer to finish something up but I don’t want to wait,
I need to head to bed or work or whatever then I want my system to shut down when it is done.
I don’t need my power bill going up when I’m not even using my system.
So I set the timer for how ever long I think my system needs to finish what it is doing.
If I need to come back or I don’t want it to shutdown I can stop the timer, this is why I don’t simply
use the built in windows shutdown. exe, yes I can start a countdown but I can’t stop it!
So I made this and now I’m sharing it. It’s very simple and sometimes simple is better.
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Simple Shutdown Timer
يساعدك فى حفظ طاقة وموارد الكمبيوتر بجدولة الطريقة والوقت الذي تريد فيه إغلاق الجهاز. هذا البرنامج بسيط جدا وسهل الاستخدام ويوفر لك مجموعة من الخيارات لجهاز الكمبيوتر
أن يقوم الجهاز فى الموعد الذي حددته مسبقا. يمكنك الترتيب لإغلاقه،
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